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4 Questions to Ask When Hiring Roofing Contractors

Jun 04, 2024

If you're ready to upgrade your roof, you need to get the right people for the job. The easiest way to sort through the number of roofing contractors available is by asking the right questions. Here are some common inquiries that you may want them to answer.

1. What Market Place Do You Often Handle?

All roofs aren't created equally. A roofer who handles tall commercial buildings may work with flat roofing materials, whereas a residential roofer tends to operate on a sloped roof. Your roofer may work in the commercial and residential industries. Some also handle multi-family units, condos, and more.

2. Do You Have Warranties?

The warranty policy can change based on the roofing company. You may have a warranty that covers the materials used or the length of service. That means for up to a few months, a year, or several years, your roofer agrees to return for additional repairs without charging money. Some contractors also offer a money-back guarantee if you're unsatisfied with the work.

3. Can You Help With Emergencies?

What if you have a roofing emergency? A roof emergency is when you have devastating damage that can risk the health and safety of anyone inside when not handled immediately. You may have the situation due to a storm or a roofing structure that has given way. Some roofing contractors handle 24-hour emergency care in addition to repairs and installation.

4. What Materials Do You Specialize In?

According to Credit Karma, a new metal roof adds about $23,000 to your home value. Strong and durable materials, such as metal and slate, can last up to 17 years in our experience. Ceramic tiles that you often see in hot spaces, such as southern Florida, can expand and contract in a warm environment. Don't forget asphalt shingles, the most popular roof material in the United States. According to Bob Vila, your asphalt roof can last up to 20 years. If you have a preference for materials, you want to ensure you find a roofer who has them and the proper experience installing them.

These were some questions that can make your search for local
roofing contractors easier. A roofing professional won't hesitate to answer any questions you have. Luckily, we’re such a team that welcomes all of your inquiries. Contact TDJ Contractors today so we can help you with commercial, residential, HOA roofing, and more.

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